A flowchart is a diagrammatic or pictorial form of an algorithm. They are generally drawn in the design stage of computer solutions. It is quite helpful in understanding the logic of complicated and lengthy problems. It helps to explain the programs to others.
We use different types of symbols to draw flowcharts. They all have their special meanings.
Guidelines for a flowchart:
- All necessary requirements should be stated in logical order.
- Should be clear, neat, and easy to follow.
- Usually, the flow of direction is from left to right and top to bottom.
- If the flowchart is complex it is better to use connector symbols to reduce the number of flow lines. We should avoid the intersection of the flow lines to make it a more effective and better way of communication.
- Ensure that it has a logical start and stop.
- Useful to test the validity of the solution by passing through it with sample data.
- Communication
- Effective analysis
- Proper documentation
- Efficient Coding
- Proper debugging
- Efficient Program Maintenance
- Complicated logic: complicated logic becomes complex and clumsy.
- Alteration and modifications may require redrawing completely.