We learned about variables and strings in the lessons before. We have also learned how we can add two strings together using the + operator. The process of adding two or more strings or expressions together is called Concatenation. There are multiple ways to do JavaScript concatenation.
Note: Also check out our JavaScript 👉 JavaScript Data Types lesson.
Concatenation in JavaScript ➕
Example: Concatenate two or more strings together
console.log("Hello, I am learning "+"JavaScript"); //Output: Hello, I am learning JavaScript
//Using variables
var firstname = "Isaac", lastname = "Newton";
var fullname = firstname +" "+ lastname;
console.log(fullname); //Output: Isaac Newton
Hello, I am learning JavaScript
Isaac Newton
In the same way, we can also concatenate strings with JavaScript Variables. We can also concatenate strings with expressions while they are being evaluated.
var age = 18;
console.log("My age is " + age); //Output: My age is 18
var a = 1, b = 5;
console.log("The sum is " + (a + b)); //Output: The sum is 6. Here, (a + b) is an expression that is being added to the string while it is being evaluated (calculated)
My age is 18
The sum is 6
Interpolation using Template Literals ⚡
If there are a lot of variables that has to be concatenated together then using the old method might be time consuming and your code might be difficult to read. For a better way to perform JavaScript concatenation, we use template literals.
Example: Using the old method 😫
//Using normal interpolation
var name = 'John Wick', age = 40, height = '6ft', car = 'Chevy';
//Adding each variable using + might be time consuming and overall code would be difficult to read
console.log("His name is " + name +". His age might be around " + age +" and height is probably about " + height +". He drives around in a cool vintage " + car +".");
His name is John Wick. His age might be around 40 and height is probably about 6ft. He drives around in a cool vintage Chevy.
To make it more efficient, in ES6 (which is the newer version of JavaScript released around 2015), a new feature was introduced called Template Literals. We will learn more about ES6 in our next lesson JavaScript ES6.
Interpolation is the process of evaluating a string literal that contains one or more placeholders and returning a result by replacing the placeholders with their respective values.
The template literals are denoted by ` ` i.e. backticks. They are enclosed in it. Inside those backticks, we put placeholders that are denoted by ${expression} where expression can be a variable or an expression.
Example: Using Template Literals 🤯
//Using Template Literals
var name = 'John Wick', age = 40, height = '6ft', car = 'Chevy';
//Here, the value of the name variable i.e. 'John Wick' replaces the placeholder ${name}. It is true for all the variables inside the backticks ` `.
console.log(`His name is ${name}. His age might be around ${age} and height is probably about ${height}. He drives around in a cool vintage ${car}.`);
His name is John Wick. His age might be around 40 and height is probably about 6ft. He drives around in a cool vintage Chevy.
As you can see, if there are a lot of variables to be added in the resulting string, we can use Template Literals to save time and make our code much more readable & efficient. If we had used the + operator using the old way, there would be a high chance of making a mistake of forgetting to add a variable and not to mention, our code would be difficult to read 😉.