JavaScript Arrow Functions

Arrow functions 🏹 were introduced in ES6 – the newer version of JavaScript, which does all the same tasks as a normal function (defined in our previous chapters) would do. The only difference is that they have a shorter syntax.

ECMAScript 2015 or better known as ES6 is the newer published version of JavaScript that we all use today. ES6 introduced a new way of defining a function in JavaScript that has a shorter syntax.


const functionName = (params) => {
    // Steps or code to be executed

The above syntax is explained as follows:

  • A function having name functionName is created.
  • The parameter called params is inside the parenthesis ( ).
  • The actual code to be executed is written inside the braces { } after the arrow =>.

NOTE: Arrow functions save us some time in creating a function because we don’t have to type the entire keyword function just to create a function. We can just put the parameters inside ( ) and use an arrow => that points to the function body covered by braces { }.


const area = (length, breadth) => {
    return length * breadth;

var areaOfABook = area(5, 4);

console.log(`The area of this book is ${areaOfABook} square cm.`);

NOTE: Don’t be confused. We just used template literals here, denoted by backticks ` `, which was explained in our 👉 JS Interpolation and Concatenation lesson.


The area of this book is 20 square cm.

In this way, Arrow Functions in JavaScript help us to write functions in a quicker, concise and cooler 😎 way.