JavaScript Nested If Else Statements are created when inside an if-else statement, another if-else statement is found. This can be done more than one time and more than one if-else statements can be nested inside each other 🔗.
Note: Before you get to this part, make sure you know the basics of JavaScript If Else statement.
Syntax of JavaScript Nested If Else Statement: 😵
if (condition1) {
// this block runs only when the condition1 given above is true
if (condition2) {
// this block runs only when condition1 is true and afterwards condition2 is also true
} else {
// this block runs only when condition1 is true but condition2 is false
} else {
// this block runs only when the condition1 given above is false
if (true) {// 1st condition
console.log('1st condition is true');
if (true) {// 2nd condition
console.log('2nd condition is also true');
} else {
console.log('1st condition is true but 2nd condition is false');
} else {
console.log('1st condition is false');
1st condition is true
2nd condition is also true
Nested If Else Statement with conditional operators ➰
You can check out our JavaScript Operators lesson for more info on operators.
var age = 16;
if (age > 15) {
console.log('Age is greater than 15. You must be a teenager.');
if (age >= 18) {
console.log('Eligible for driving.');
} else {
console.log('Teenager but not eligible for driving.');
} else {
console.log('Age is less than 15.');
Age is greater than 15. You must be a teenager.
Teenager but not eligible for driving.
While we can use nested if-else statements, it’s not advised to nest a lot of if-else inside each other because it complicates your code 😵 and also the speed of your program might decrease.